What to Do If You Have a Toothache

family dentist

Toothaches are remarkably common. But that doesn’t mean that we give them the credit they “deserve” as a dental issue. Many people simply attempt to put up with toothaches, not even asking their family dentist about them. They treat them with painkillers rather than real medical answers. This is despite the fact that oral diseases are estimated to affect about 3.5 billion people across the world, according to the WHO. Clearly, we need to take oral diseases seriously, and in turn, we need to take toothaches seriously. With that being said, let’s look into what you need to do if you have a toothache.

1. See Your Dentist

First and foremost, you need to see your family dentist if you have a serious toothache. While we all have random toothaches from time to time that may be linked to a temporary issue, if your toothache is recurring or lasts for more than a day or two, you need to schedule an appointment with your family dentist as quickly as possible. If the pain is so intense that you can’t focus or complete daily tasks, you need to have the issue addressed. Similarly, if your toothache is accompanied by a fever, foul discharge, red gums, or difficulties with eating or swallowing, you should consider going to the emergency room or seeing an emergency dentist.

2. Take An Anti-Inflammatory

If the toothache isn’t an emergency and you’re waiting for your dentist appointment, you can treat the symptoms until then. Take an anti-inflammatory medication like aspirin or ibuprofen. This will decrease the swelling around the hurting tooth and is much more effective than acetaminophen, which simply dulls the pain.

3. Apply A Cold Compress

If you’re treating the pain and would rather avoid medications, try applying a cold compress to your jaw. This will naturally decrease swelling and can ease the pain. Don’t apply the cold compress for more than 20 minutes at a time.

4. Rinse with Saltwater

In order to ease the pain, remove any debris from your mouth and rinse with a saltwater mixture. The motion of swishing the water around your mouth will help ease the pain. At the same time, the saltwater will soothe any wounds around the affected tooth.

Be careful about toothaches; take them seriously. But until your appointment occurs, know that you can seek pain relief with these home remedies.


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