Want To Know How To Whiten Teeth Fast? Here Are Some Dos And Don’ts To Consider

how to whiten teeth fast

According to an AACD survey, virtually all adults (99.7%) surveyed believe a healthy smile is socially important. Perhaps that’s the reason why Americans spend an estimated $1.4 billion on teeth whitening products every year. While it’s always more effective to visit your dentist to hear about your teeth whitening options, some prefer to try to ‘DIY’ methods and end up with sub-par results. To avoid some of those DIY pitfalls, here are some dos and don’ts to consider when whitening your teeth.

DO: Check Reviews

If you do decide to take the DIY route, it’s critical to check online for customer reviews. Many whitening products intended for DIY use are incredibly ineffective because they don’t do anything except help to remove stains, which is exactly what you can get from a simple tube of toothpaste. Checking online for customer reviews can help you find the method that worked for the most people.

DON’T: Forget The Effectiveness Of Prevention

Many are under the impression that whitening teeth always requires additional funds and products. However, these people are the same people who may underestimate the power of routine preventative maintenance. Brushing twice a day and flossing regularly can do wonders in consistently removing surface stains and giving you a whiter smile.

DO: Read Labels Carefully

One major mistake people make when they attempt DIY methods is to ignore the label on the product package. As a result, they often end up hurting their teeth in the process. White strips, for example, can seriously damage enamel if left on for too long. They can also cause significant sensitivity issues. Those individuals who don’t read the labels and aren’t aware may end up suffering major consequences.

DON’T: Neglect To Get Advice From Your Dentist

Even in your best efforts to figure out how to whiten teeth fast, it’s important to understand that a reputable dentist is always the number one best option for giving you a white, bright smile that you’ll be happy with for years to come. Don’t waste time or money on DIY methods that may or may not be effective — start by talking to your dentist about how to achieve long-lasting results.

Ultimately, these are just a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind when thinking about how to whiten teeth fast. For more information about whitening teeth, contact Murfreesboro Family Dentistry. With the help of a professional, your teeth will be sparkling and white in no time flat!


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