Surviving a Dental Emergency

When you’re in pain, our Murfreesboro dentist should see you right away. But how do you know if it’s really an emergency, what you should do, or what to expect?

When you’re in pain, our Murfreesboro dentist should see you right away. But how do you know if it’s really an emergency, what you should do, or what to expect?

Is it a True Dental Emergency?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Can I go to work like this?
  • Am I in pain?
  • Is the situation causing embarrassment?
  • Can my child go to school like this?

If any of the above are a concern, then your situation warrants itself as a dental emergency and you should seek immediate care with Dr. Jackson.

Most Common Dental Emergencies

Some of the most common types of tooth pain can be avoided with routine preventive care, such as broken teeth and cavities. But other common problems include crowns falling out, accidental falls, broken and avulsed (“knocked out”) teeth.

What Costs Will be Involved?

The best way to keep the cost of your emergency dental care down is to get treatment right away. If you don’t have insurance, let us know and we will make every effort to arrange something that fits into your budget. If you do carry dental insurance, bring a copy of your card with you to your appointment. All of the claims will be filed and you will only be responsible for any remaining balance.

Dos and Don’ts of a Dental Emergency

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • If your tooth is knocked out, do not handle it by the root. Only hold it by the crown.
  • Rinse the tooth gently, but don’t scrub it clean as it can damage microscopic fibers that aid in reattachment.
  • If possible, put the tooth back into the socket and hold it in place until you reach our office.
  • Avulsed teeth or tooth fragments should be stored in a small cup of milk or contact solution and brought to our office immediately.
  • A tooth needs to be reinserted or bonded back in place within the first hour after the accident.

For more information, call Murfreesboro Family Dentistry at 615-904-1700


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